Biochemic Therapy
What is Biochemic Therapy? - also known as Cell Salts or Biochemic Tissue Salts
The biochemic system of healing was developed by Dr. Wilheim Heinrich Schuessler (1821-1898), a medical doctor, homeopath, Physiological Chemist, and researcher. He was greatly inspired by the works of Moleschett (physiologist), Virchow (pathologist) and Liebig (agriculturist) on the relationship between cell activity and inorganic minerals.
Dr. Schussler discovered the twelve inorganic minerals that are the key constituents of our cells and he developed the Biochemic system of healing (the chemistry of living tissue). He found that all our cells rely on these in order to stay healthy.
A deficiency or an imbalance of any of these inorganic minerals will cause disease. The deficient inorganic minerals are determined by the signs and symptoms that the body is presenting, by the clients medical history and by facial diagnostics.
In order to restore normal cell function, the deficient mineral(s) need to be supplied in a homeopathically prepared way (diluted and potentized), making them safe and easily assimilated without disturbing the balance of the other minerals. These homeopathically prepared inorganic minerals are referred to as biochemic, tissue or cell salts.​
Cell salts stimulate proper use and assimilation of these vital minerals from our foods. (It is still very important to consume nutrient dense foods) Replenishing and balancing these minerals restores the function of each cell, tissue, and organ. Especially of benefit when the body is going through times of development and growth (childhood, adolescence, pregnancy), physical stress (sports, overwork, lack of sleep, exposure to extreme temperatures), emotional stress, chronic illness, receiving nutrient depleting therapies (pharmaceuticals, chemotherapy, radiation), poor diets (low nutrient diets, excessive protein and sugar), living or working in toxic environments as well as for those that have impaired digestive systems.
Cell salts support proper cell function to optimize health and ameliorate physical as well as emotional symptoms. In our modern world it is not enough to eat healthy foods anymore in order to obtain the inorganic minerals for our existence. Our soils and food sources are nutrient depleted . Agricultural practices (chemicals, fertilizers, crops are harvested too soon) have changed significantly and although we can now produce large quantities of food, it has greatly altered their nutritional value. The way we store, cook and prepare our foods can also deplete their nutritional value.
We are very fortunate that Dr. Schussler has given us this great gift of biochemic therapy to mitigate for all the nutrient depleting factors in this modern and high paced world.Their effectiveness has been proven for over 150 years!​
Note: It is important to have a medical doctor monitor your health conditions especially if you are taking prescription medications. Cell Salts do not interact with any medications or treatments. Cell Salts are meant to enhance the healing process and shorten the healing time. THEY ARE NOT TO BE USED IN PLACE OF MEDICAL CARE.