
healthgrades profile
Registered Nurse
Certified in:
- Homeopathy
- Jin Shin Jyutsu
- Flower Essence Therapy
Diploma In:
- Clinical Science of Biochemic Therapy
Jennifer Brandolino RN, CiHom, has been a registered nurse since 1986 and has extensive experience in multiple clinical settings, including women’s health and behavioral health.
Preventative health and alternative healing therapies have always been her passion. Jennifer continues to participate in seminars and conferences to keep updated on the therapies she works with in order to offer the best to her clients.
As a nurse she finds great fulfillment in offering safe, gentle and effective solutions which do not interfere with any treatments or medications, are complimentary to conventional medicine and have no side effects.
Jennifer obtained her certifications in Homeopathy, Flower Essence Therapy and Jin Shin Jyutsu in Southern California and her diploma in Clinical Science of Biochemic Therapy from the Institute of Biochemic Medicine in Australia.
In her practice, after a thorough medical history, in order to obtain detail on all symptoms, she customizes the therapies according to the client’s needs always taking into account their schedule, budget and other concerns they might have.